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Different Sleeping Positions That Won’t Make You Sore the Next Day - Pillow Cube

Different Sleeping Positions That Won’t Make You Sore the Next Day

Different Sleeping Positions That Won’t Make You Sore the Next Day

You’ve probably heard all about the importance of getting enough sleep each night and how it can help you feel more alert and energetic. Did you know that in addition to getting seven to nine hours of sleep each night, the position you sleep in can also make a huge difference in how you feel the next day? If you frequently experience pain when sleeping or wake up feeling stiff and sore, it might be a good idea to make some adjustments. Try some of these healthy sleeping positions to see if changing your sleep position will help you to have better days ahead.

Healthy Sleeping Positions

When you climb in bed at night, you may not put a lot of thought into what position you’ll be sleeping in. You may even have a favorite that you roll into automatically or find yourself waking up in regularly. Fortunately, if you do need to make adjustments to your sleep position, there are things you can do to gradually train yourself, such as use a pillow designed for side sleepers.

Fetal Position

Sleeping in the fetal position, curled up on your side, is a pretty popular choice with minimal risks. However, if you wake up stiff, you may be curling up too tightly. Try to loosen up or use pillows for support. You can put a pillow between your knees or hug one with your arms to relieve pressure on joints and the lower back. A body pillow works great for this position as well.

Side Sleeping

Side sleeping is arguably the best option for a number of ailments, especially if you sleep on your left side. It has been shown to reduce snoring and sleep apnea, improve digestion, and reduce heartburn. Sleeping on your right side may increase heartburn and acid reflux but is otherwise beneficial, particularly for heart health and circulation.

However, side sleeping can also cause shoulder, jaw, and neck soreness when using a pillow that does not provide proper support. Choose a pillow meant for side sleepers, such as a Pillow Cube, which has a unique square shape perfect for neck alignment and relieving pressure from the shoulders. You can also use a body pillow or put a pillow between your knees and between your arms, as mentioned previously.

Stomach Sleeping

When it comes to healthy sleeping positions for your back, sleeping on your stomach is one of the worst. It is extremely difficult to get proper alignment and can cause back, neck, and joint pain. However, it does help with snoring and sleep apnea. 

If you prefer this sleeping position, use a flat pillow under your hips and lower belly to provide additional support or make a plan to switch to side sleeping. Some people attach tennis balls to their pajamas to make them more aware that they have rolled into a stomach or back position; they can then adjust back to side sleeping with minimal sleep disturbance.

Back Sleeping

As long as you don’t experience snoring or sleep apnea, sleeping on your back can be a great option for preventing pain when sleeping. It is one of the most healthy sleeping positions for your back because gravity works in your favor, helping your spine to naturally align as you rest. For this position, use a relatively flat pillow under your head. You can also use a pillow under your knees to help support the curve of your spine in the lower back area.

Another benefit to sleeping on your back is that your face is in less danger of developing wrinkles from being squished against a pillow. (Tip: If you sleep on your side, try using a silk pillowcase to help prevent wrinkles.)

Pillow Cube

Get high-quality sleep by choosing healthy sleep positions, such as side sleeping. Use a Pillow Cube for proper neck support and increased comfort as you drift off into dreamland. If you experience pain when sleeping, check out our innovative pillow design to see if it’s right for you and begin training yourself to sleep on your side. 

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